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Oral d'anglais: débat sur le contrôle des armes
-Hello and welcome to the Talk Show on Fox News, the show that hosts debates on
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Oral d'anglais: débat sur le contrôle des armes
-Hello and welcome to the Talk Show on Fox News, the show that hosts debates on
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Oral d'anglais: débat sur le contrôle des armes -Hello and welcome to the Talk Show on Fox News, the show that hosts debates on sensitive topics. I'm Léa-Marie and Today we are going to debate on gun control. So Florine is that it ? -Yes, hello, that's it! I am really excited to be able to participate in this debate! What is the debate of the day besides ? - So to introduce you we have in the talk show today Florine who is a lawyer. So are you for or against gun control? -Good question, I'm totally for gun control! It is important to control weapons/guns because some people can misuse them (peuvent les utiliser à mauvais escient). -What do you mean? - I mean that sometimes there is an abuse of power with these ns. Terrorist acts can arise in any public place, do you realize the number of terrorist acts that there have been in a school in the US? The children are no longer safe! Crazy people are everywhere! - I agree with you, but don't you think that if we have weapons, it would be easier to protect ourselves from them ? - No! It is precisely because of these weapons that people think they can use them for anything and everything as...

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soon as there is a problem. But it's not just this problem, some accidents happen, for example parents hide a firearm in their drawer, a child finds it and plays with this gun and that's the tragedy / this is the drama ! / and I let you imagine the drama after - For my part I think that if everyone is responsible there is no need to control the weapons so much. They should only use them in case of danger and to protect themselves. It's for our own safety. Because you said it there are crazy people everywhere so we need reassurance. - Yes but like I said before the more guns there are, the more accidents! There are too many shootings, it's no longer possible to live in fear every time we go out. - But you forget that guns are a right. It's in the constitution. It's the 2nd amendment. And if the government controls guns they will control us by the way! - But how would they control us with guns? What you said seems like conspiracy theory. - And if you want to control guns to limit criminals i don't think it's going to work because the law doesn't apply to criminals. They don't respect it either way. -But the more we control the guns with an identity check and criminal record, the more we could limit criminals. -But i don't think it's possible to control every gun in the country. - Yes I'm aware of that, however if we start one day to control guns we can little by little start to control them. For instance, we can expand the free-gun zone beyond schools like in cinemas, supermarkets or some other places. - I totally agree with that but I think it will take ages to really control guns but anyway what do you think of Trump's choices about guns during his mandate ? - I disagree with his choices because he supports the NRA and all of their actions. But now we have a new president Biden and I support him with his choices because he wants to set up gun control. And a lot of American have been waiting for this ! - So thank you Florine for sharing your opinion with us today! - You are welcome for an upcoming debate ! - So it's the end of the Talk show for today! I'll see tomorrow at the same hour and now we're going to leave space for the morning news!