


Diversity and Inclusion







English homework
To begin, I chose a video, an ad from Zalando. It's the new ad for the spring c
English homework
To begin, I chose a video, an ad from Zalando. It's the new ad for the spring c

English homework To begin, I chose a video, an ad from Zalando. It's the new ad for the spring collection. It is on youtube. It is therefore aimed at everyone. However, it is more specifically aimed at people with a heavy build, homosexuals, amputees... Or only to people who have no self-esteem. Today I'm going to share with you how I think this video improves self-esteem and promotes and encourages diversity and inclusion. First of all, I will quickly describe the video. The beginning of the video is the beginning of the composition of a song live on Instagram. This live show is seen by 2000 people and more. And the first words of the song are "I'm just tryna be myself not you". Then we can see people who get a notification of this live and people who start showing their diversity on social media like an amputee who posed like an ancient Greek statue. Also, a heavyset woman decides to take pictures of herself and post them on social media and we see another woman who is in the same situation, showing herself and dressing as she wishes without embarrassment. The video also shows two men kissing without caring about the people around them. In the video, the people who decided to show...

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their difference on social media help people like them to be assertive and proud of their difference in their everyday lives. They also help them to accept and overcome the difficulties they face. "I'm just tryna be myself not you" are words that restore confidence and just want to say that you have to stay as you are and that you do not need to change for others. It shows that others must accept us as we are because if we were like them everyone would be the same. So this is where the theme of diversity appears and the first message of this video is simple: "Stay as you are and don't change for others because if everyone was the same it would be useless". Thus, this leads to the theme of inclusion because for there to be diversity, there must be people who are different and therefore include and accept others no matter who they are: white, black, homosexual, heavy built. The other message of this video is: "Everyone must accept each other, that everyone supports each other because to advance we must support each other and stick together". Furthermore, I think this video can help people see that they are not alone and that they don't have to hide their difference, for example, the heavily built woman in the video posts her picture on social media and it helps another woman to show herself as she is. What's more, I think that the video can have a positive impact on everyone because it shows the difficulties of the other to be accepted. And even a person who feels good will see the difficulties of others and will understand them. He will therefore accept and participate in the integration of people in society. Last but not least the slogan "This is all here to stay" signifies that the people in the video have to continue what they are doing and that the people in the real-life have to do the same. We have to continue to just try to be ourselves, not the others. However, people can criticize this video because it shows homosexual people and homophobic people criticize it. As well as it shows women of strong corpulence in underwear and therefore some people can find it indecent. To conclude, this video is aimed at everyone. It promotes diversity and inclusion and it can help people to be like they want and not what others want you to be. I find this video very interesting and I think it is very realistic. It can help people to get better self-esteem. And others to understand that we have to accept the others as they want and like they are.