


England and Northern Ireland (brexit, the troubles)







IS BREXIT reigniting the conflict in Northern Ireland ?
Good friday agreement 1998:
end 30
--DUP didn't support the deal at the ti
IS BREXIT reigniting the conflict in Northern Ireland ?
Good friday agreement 1998:
end 30
--DUP didn't support the deal at the ti

) IS BREXIT reigniting the conflict in Northern Ireland ? Good friday agreement 1998: Irish + end 30 --DUP didn't support the deal at the time years several culture, civil rights, justice prisonners released N.I assembly to < set up of a British Irish concil & to promote the relationship. security installations 10th april British governments + N.I. political partie, years of violence -removale of all the destroy the weapons (paramilitary groups) Rules and regulations Boris Johnson's plan Northern Ireland stays in the EU single market for goods controversy bc. all the vident prisonners were parliament released Checks on goods needed between rest of UK and Northern Ireland How checks between Britain and Northern Ireland work Certain goods, such as meat and eggs, need to be checked when they enter Northern Ireland from Great Britain Goods from Great Britain are checked at Northern Ireland ports Larne Belfasto Goods can move across the border into the Republic of Ireland Goods dispatched AMC Terminale Moving Past the Troubles in Northern Ireland - What was Bloody Sunday? (BBC News Ireland, March 15th, 2019) Listening comprehension 1971 New Law Authentie, the power to arrest people and detain people without trial (undefinity) 1972, 30th January What/where/why: - civils protesting, march in Rondon Derry troops deployed (british) 3:00 pm march began Demy center (actination) Guildall young people & army. 4:07 pm William Street, open fire on the street arrests of many marchers. Casualties: 108 rounds, 4:00 pm soldiers, rubber bulles, water canon, teargas Confrontation between young people and the British army. Free Derry Comer 13 killed. London Jerry against...

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Légende alternative :

the Ne / Montaigne 2021 15 wounded 21 soldiers used their weapons / 2 investigations, 2 different outcomes: 1972 Widgery tribunal: clear the soldiers whitewasha, authentie - Saville inquiry: 1998 definitive account. 190 m £ (othe 2010 public Pavid C. prime minister apologized families wanted closure and justice protectedl