


Race to Space: Cool Women from the Cold War




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Hugo Narciso



fiche de révision - Space race and segregation

Race to Space: Cool Women from the Cold War

Katherine Johnson's story as a pioneering femmes puissantes mathematician during the compétition guerre froide course espace showcases the intersection of racial and gender barriers in American scientific advancement. This remarkable tale of perseverance highlights how figure historique ségrégation féminisme shaped NASA's early space missions and women's roles in avancées scientifiques États-Unis.

Key aspects include:

  • The intense Space Race competition between the USA and USSR during the Cold War
  • Segregation's impact on African American scientists and mathematicians
  • The breakthrough achievements of women in NASA's space program
  • The critical role of mathematical calculations in early spaceflight
  • The broader civil rights movement context of the 1960s



Race to Space: Cool Women from the Cold War




user profile picture

Hugo Narciso



fiche de révision - Space race and segregation

Space Program Development and Key Figures

The development of both nations' space programs relied heavily on recruited German engineers and scientists. Wernher von Braun led the US program while Sergei Korolev headed the Soviet efforts.

Quote: "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." - Neil Armstrong

Vocabulary: Cosmonaut - The Soviet term for astronaut, literally meaning "space sailor"

Highlight: Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman in space in June 1963, representing a significant achievement for both the Soviet space program and women in spaceflight.

Race to Space: Cool Women from the Cold War




user profile picture

Hugo Narciso



fiche de révision - Space race and segregation

Hidden Figures and Civil Rights Context

The story of Hidden Figures takes place against the backdrop of segregation and the civil rights movement in America, highlighting the dual challenges faced by African American women in the scientific field.

Definition: Segregation was the systematic separation of people based on race, enforced through both law and social custom in the United States.

Example: The "Jim Crow" laws enforced racial segregation in public facilities, including separate drinking fountains, restrooms, and seating areas.

Race to Space: Cool Women from the Cold War




user profile picture

Hugo Narciso



fiche de révision - Space race and segregation

Civil Rights Movement Leaders and Events

The period saw the emergence of significant civil rights leaders and pivotal moments that would shape American history.

Quote: "I have a dream" - Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous speech delivered during the March on Washington in 1963.

Highlight: Rosa Parks' refusal to give up her bus seat in 1955 sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott, a crucial moment in the civil rights movement.

Race to Space: Cool Women from the Cold War




user profile picture

Hugo Narciso



fiche de révision - Space race and segregation

Segregation's Impact on Education and Employment

The effects of segregation extended deeply into educational and professional opportunities for African Americans, particularly in scientific and technical fields.

Definition: The "Little Rock Nine" were nine African American students who faced resistance when attempting to integrate Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1957.

Example: Despite segregation, many African American women made significant contributions to NASA's space program as mathematicians and engineers.

Race to Space: Cool Women from the Cold War




user profile picture

Hugo Narciso



fiche de révision - Space race and segregation

Women's Advancement in Science and Technology

The period marked significant progress for women in scientific fields, though challenges remained.

Highlight: Women like Katherine Johnson proved instrumental in calculating flight trajectories for NASA's early space missions.

Example: The term "computer" originally referred to people, often women, who performed complex mathematical calculations by hand.

Race to Space: Cool Women from the Cold War




user profile picture

Hugo Narciso



fiche de révision - Space race and segregation

Legacy and Continuing Impact

The combined impact of the space race and civil rights movement continues to influence American society and scientific advancement.

Highlight: The success of programs like Mercury and Apollo demonstrated the importance of diversity and inclusion in scientific achievement.

Quote: "In the face of adversity, there are always opportunities for advancement." - Katherine Johnson

Race to Space: Cool Women from the Cold War




user profile picture

Hugo Narciso



fiche de révision - Space race and segregation

Modern Implications and Lessons

The lessons learned from this period continue to shape discussions about diversity and inclusion in STEM fields today.

Highlight: The story of Hidden Figures has inspired a new generation of women and minorities to pursue careers in science and technology.

Example: Modern space programs actively work to promote diversity and inclusion in their recruitment and advancement practices.

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Race to Space: Cool Women from the Cold War

user profile picture

Hugo Narciso



13 Abonnés


Katherine Johnson's story as a pioneering femmes puissantes mathematician during the compétition guerre froide course espace showcases the intersection of racial and gender barriers in American scientific advancement. This remarkable tale of perseverance highlights how figure historique ségrégation féminisme shaped NASA's early space missions and women's roles in avancées scientifiques États-Unis.

Key aspects include:

  • The intense Space Race competition between the USA and USSR during the Cold War
  • Segregation's impact on African American scientists and mathematicians
  • The breakthrough achievements of women in NASA's space program
  • The critical role of mathematical calculations in early spaceflight
  • The broader civil rights movement context of the 1960s








G Fiche de révision- diversity and inclusion Anglais.
Axes travaillés: & diversity and inclusion
hidden figures,
* scientific innovation a

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Space Program Development and Key Figures

The development of both nations' space programs relied heavily on recruited German engineers and scientists. Wernher von Braun led the US program while Sergei Korolev headed the Soviet efforts.

Quote: "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." - Neil Armstrong

Vocabulary: Cosmonaut - The Soviet term for astronaut, literally meaning "space sailor"

Highlight: Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman in space in June 1963, representing a significant achievement for both the Soviet space program and women in spaceflight.

G Fiche de révision- diversity and inclusion Anglais.
Axes travaillés: & diversity and inclusion
hidden figures,
* scientific innovation a

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Hidden Figures and Civil Rights Context

The story of Hidden Figures takes place against the backdrop of segregation and the civil rights movement in America, highlighting the dual challenges faced by African American women in the scientific field.

Definition: Segregation was the systematic separation of people based on race, enforced through both law and social custom in the United States.

Example: The "Jim Crow" laws enforced racial segregation in public facilities, including separate drinking fountains, restrooms, and seating areas.

G Fiche de révision- diversity and inclusion Anglais.
Axes travaillés: & diversity and inclusion
hidden figures,
* scientific innovation a

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Civil Rights Movement Leaders and Events

The period saw the emergence of significant civil rights leaders and pivotal moments that would shape American history.

Quote: "I have a dream" - Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous speech delivered during the March on Washington in 1963.

Highlight: Rosa Parks' refusal to give up her bus seat in 1955 sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott, a crucial moment in the civil rights movement.

G Fiche de révision- diversity and inclusion Anglais.
Axes travaillés: & diversity and inclusion
hidden figures,
* scientific innovation a

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Segregation's Impact on Education and Employment

The effects of segregation extended deeply into educational and professional opportunities for African Americans, particularly in scientific and technical fields.

Definition: The "Little Rock Nine" were nine African American students who faced resistance when attempting to integrate Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1957.

Example: Despite segregation, many African American women made significant contributions to NASA's space program as mathematicians and engineers.

G Fiche de révision- diversity and inclusion Anglais.
Axes travaillés: & diversity and inclusion
hidden figures,
* scientific innovation a

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Women's Advancement in Science and Technology

The period marked significant progress for women in scientific fields, though challenges remained.

Highlight: Women like Katherine Johnson proved instrumental in calculating flight trajectories for NASA's early space missions.

Example: The term "computer" originally referred to people, often women, who performed complex mathematical calculations by hand.

G Fiche de révision- diversity and inclusion Anglais.
Axes travaillés: & diversity and inclusion
hidden figures,
* scientific innovation a

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Legacy and Continuing Impact

The combined impact of the space race and civil rights movement continues to influence American society and scientific advancement.

Highlight: The success of programs like Mercury and Apollo demonstrated the importance of diversity and inclusion in scientific achievement.

Quote: "In the face of adversity, there are always opportunities for advancement." - Katherine Johnson

G Fiche de révision- diversity and inclusion Anglais.
Axes travaillés: & diversity and inclusion
hidden figures,
* scientific innovation a

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Modern Implications and Lessons

The lessons learned from this period continue to shape discussions about diversity and inclusion in STEM fields today.

Highlight: The story of Hidden Figures has inspired a new generation of women and minorities to pursue careers in science and technology.

Example: Modern space programs actively work to promote diversity and inclusion in their recruitment and advancement practices.

G Fiche de révision- diversity and inclusion Anglais.
Axes travaillés: & diversity and inclusion
hidden figures,
* scientific innovation a

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The Space Race: Cold War Competition

The space race emerged as a crucial battleground during the Cold War, pitting the United States against the Soviet Union in a race for technological supremacy. This period saw both nations striving to achieve significant space exploration milestones.

Definition: The Space Race was a competition between the United States and the Soviet Union that took place during the Cold War, focusing on achievements in spaceflight capability.

Highlight: Key milestones included Sputnik 1 (1957), Yuri Gagarin's first human spaceflight (1961), and ultimately the Apollo 11 moon landing (1969).

Example: The competition intensified after the Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1, prompting the US to establish NASA and accelerate its space program.

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