



Les prépositions de lieu et de mouvement en français et en anglais - Exercices et PDF

Les prépositions de lieu et de mouvement en français et en anglais - Exercices et PDF





Fiche de révision

  • Prépositions de lieu exercices are essential for understanding movement in English.
  • The document covers various prépositions de lieu en anglais and their usage.
  • Exemple de préposition de lieu are provided to illustrate each preposition's meaning.
  • Les prépositions de lieu PDF explains how prepositions can modify verb meanings.
  • The guide is useful for learning les mouvements en anglais and their associated prepositions.



Additional Prépositions de Mouvement

This page continues the list of prépositions de lieu en anglais, focusing on more complex movements and directions. It provides further exemple de préposition de lieu to help learners understand their usage in context.

The prepositions covered on this page include:

  • Into (Entrée, vers l'intérieur): Walk into (the room) = Entrer dans
  • Out of, from (Sortie, vers l'extérieur): Walk out (of the office) = sortir de, Remove from (the shelf) = retirer de
  • Across, through (Traversée): Swim across (the lake) = traverser à la nage, Walk through (the door) = franchir
  • Past (Dépassement d'un point fixe): Go past (the school) = passer devant

These prepositions are particularly useful for describing more specific movements, such as entering or exiting spaces, crossing areas, or passing by locations. They add precision to descriptions of movement and help create a clearer picture of the action being described.

Vocabulary: "Traversée" in French refers to crossing or going through something, which is represented by "across" and "through" in English.

Example: The preposition "into" indicates movement towards the interior of something, as in "walk into the room" (entrer dans la pièce), while "out of" indicates the opposite movement, as in "walk out of the office" (sortir du bureau).

>Les verbes peuvent aussi être suivis d'une préposition qui donne une
indication sur la direction ou le type de mouvement.
> Le

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Prépositions de Mouvement en Anglais

This page introduces the concept of prépositions de lieu en français as they apply to English. It explains that verbs can be followed by prepositions to indicate direction or type of movement. The document emphasizes that prepositions often modify the meaning of the verb they follow, providing the example of "walk" (marcher) becoming "walk out" (sortir) with the addition of a preposition.

The page lists several common prépositions de lieu en anglais along with their indications and examples:

  • On (Montée): Get on (the plane) = monter dans
  • Off (Sortie, retrait): Get off (the bus) = descendre, Wipe off (the dirt) = enlever
  • Up (Vers le haut): Run up (the stairs) = monter en courant
  • Down (Vers le bas): Walk down (the street) = descendre à pied
  • Away (Eloignement): Put away = ranger, Walk away = s'éloigner
  • To (Direction): Go to = aller vers, à
  • At (Direction): Shout at (someone) = crier sur, Throw (something) at = jeter sur / vers
  • Along (Le long de): Run along (the river) = courir le long de
  • Beside, next to (A côté de): Sit beside (someone) = être assis à côté de

Example: The preposition "off" can change the meaning of a verb, as seen in "get off the bus" (descendre du bus) and "wipe off the dirt" (enlever la saleté).

Highlight: Understanding these prépositions de lieu exercices is crucial for accurately describing movement and direction in English.

>Les verbes peuvent aussi être suivis d'une préposition qui donne une
indication sur la direction ou le type de mouvement.
> Le

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