


Of Mice and Men - spécialité LLCE anglais







Of Mice and Men
John Steinbeck, 1937
The Great Depression
Context: the 1930's
During the worst economic disaster of American history,
lots o

Of Mice and Men John Steinbeck, 1937 The Great Depression Context: the 1930's During the worst economic disaster of American history, lots of families were split up or migrated from their homes, searching for work. California appears to be the "new land", where dreams come true. Many workers decided to hike the road to find a job -in farms especially. John Steinbeck novels often deal with the economic problems of social labour. Although the setting may not appear to be significant, the plot could take place in few other places. Migrant life is essential to the story; it must occur in a location and at a time in which male migrants were used to farm the land and carry out the work of ranches. The plot Like most tragedies, it has a climax and a tragic resolution. In chapter one we meet George and Lennie as they are leaving one migrant job and moving the next. They are camped beside a stream. Early in the book we learn that Lennie is not like everyone else and that George, the tragic hero, is caring for Lennie, Lennie loves soft things. We learn of George's frustration with Lennie again forcing them to run. "You do bad things and I got to get you out. You crazy son-of-a-bitch. You keep me in hot water all the time." Lennie replies,...

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Légende alternative :

"Jus' wanted to feel that girl's dress- jus' wanted to pet it like it was a mouse." We learn in this chapter that Lennie is constantly seeking George's approval. They have a dream, and George uses this dream to try to keep Lennie in line. Lennie keeps begging George to tell him what it will be like when they have their own little place. George tells Lennie that if he gets in trouble to come back here to this place by the river and he will find him here. The final chapter opens where the book began, next to MAIN CHARACTERS Lennie: large migrant worker, depends upon George because of his disability. Do not control his strength, love petting soft things such as mice. George: a small migrant worker, caring for his friend Lennie. Curey: the boss's son, possessive with his wife. Curey's wife: the only female character, exists through and thanks to her husband only. Slim : the voice of reason in the tragedy. Candy and Carlson foreshadow Lennie's death Scanned with CamScanner