


The American Dream







ambitious ambitieux
assertive = confident → sûr de soi
lower-class ⇒ classe populaire
Working-class ⇒ classe ouvrière

Vocabulary: ambitious ambitieux assertive = confident → sûr de soi lower-class ⇒ classe populaire Working-class ⇒ classe ouvrière middle-class> classe moyenne successful ⇒ avoir du succès upper-class ⇒ la haute société, la grande bourgeoisie The American dream well-off = rich = wealthy → riche from rags to riches de la pauvreté à la richesse a happy ending ⇒ fin heureuse motivation → motivation optimism ⇒ optimisme wealth richesse to afford → to aspire to a better life aspirer à une vie meilleure to climb the social ladder⇒ escalader les échelons sociaux to deserve mériter to follow a dream⇒ suivre un rêve to get by → s'en sortir to make a dream come true réaliser un rêve to make a fresh start → prendre un nouveau départ to make money ⇒ faire de l'argent to succeed → réussir What is it? The American dream is the belief that everyone in the US has the chance to be successful and happy regardless of where they were born or what class they were born into. The American dream is achieved through sacrifice, risk-taking and hard work rather than by chance. The idea of the American dream can be found in the << Declaration of Independence » in which three basic ideas are stated: << all men are created equal and gave them the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness » What is...

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Knowunity est la meilleure application scolaire dans cinq pays européens.

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L'application est très simple à utiliser et bien faite. Jusqu'à présent, j'ai trouvé tout ce que je cherchais :D

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Légende alternative :

the relationship between Hollywood's idea of the American Dream and reality? The American Dream requires someone to be good-looking, young and well-off. Yet, in reality, and even though that idea is seductive, American people have bills to pay and have concerns / worries. The reality of America may look like a Hollywood movie on the surface, but life is more complicated than that. For example, romantic comedies make people think that life is simpler than it is in reality.