


Résumé de l'île des esclaves de Marivaux 1725 - Scène par scène, personnages principaux, contexte historique







<p>Iphicrate, a young master, and his slave Arlequin, have been shipwrecked on the island of the slaves, an island where former slaves revo

<p>Iphicrate, a young master, and his slave Arlequin, have been shipwrecked on the island of the slaves, an island where former slaves revo

Iphicrate, a young master, and his slave Arlequin, have been shipwrecked on the island of the slaves, an island where former slaves revolted against their masters. On the island, they encounter other survivors: Euphrosine, a young Athenian, and her slave Cléanthis. Trivelin, a resident of the island charged with enforcing the laws, orders them to exchange their names, clothing, and roles. Thus, the former slaves become masters and vice versa. The masters can only regain their freedom after three years, and after having acquired a humane, reasonable, and generous behavior. The two slaves, Cléanthis and Arlequin, reveal the ungrateful and cruel behavior of their masters to Trivelin. The masters, Euphrosine and Iphicrate, admit the truthfulness of these portrayals.

Arlequin and Cléanthis have fun imitating their masters and courting each other according to the gallant codes of the time. After an emotional discussion between the two cross-dressers, Arlequin decides to forgive Iphicrate, while Euphrosine is not ready to pardon the suffering inflicted by her mistress. Arlequin encourages her to do so, and she accepts out of pure understanding: she does not want to make others suffer as she has suffered. Trivelin considers the experience (on the island) over: the masters have become more human. Arlequin, Iphicrate, Cléanthis, and Euphrosine, moved and reconciled, decide to return to Athens.

Characters in Order of Appearance

  1. Iphicrate
  2. Arlequin
  3. Trivelin
  4. Cléanthis
  5. Euphrosine

Genre of the Text

The genre of the text is theatrical, specifically comedy.

Résumé - Français

  • "L'Île des Esclaves" is a play about two masters and their slaves shipwrecked on an island
  • They are forced to switch roles with their slaves by a resident of the island
  • The play explores themes of forgiveness and human behavior
  • The characters include Iphicrate, Arlequin, Trivelin, Cléanthis, and Euphrosine
  • It falls under the theatrical genre of comedy and has historical context related to former slaves revolted against their masters.
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Téléchargé par Israe Assim

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Questions fréquemment posées sur Français

Q: Who are the main characters in 'L'île des Esclaves'?

A: The main characters are Iphicrate, Arlequin, Trivelin, Cléanthis, and Euphrosine.

Q: What is the genre of the text 'L'île des Esclaves'?

A: The genre of the text is theatrical, specifically comedy.

Q: What is the premise of 'L'île des Esclaves'?

A: The play is about former slaves who revolted against their masters, leading to the reversal of roles between the masters and slaves on the island.

Q: How do Arlequin and Cléanthis behave after the role reversal on the island?

A: Arlequin and Cléanthis have fun imitating their masters and courting each other according to the gallant codes of the time.

Q: What do the masters need to do to regain their freedom on the island?

A: The masters can only regain their freedom after three years, and after having acquired a humane, reasonable, and generous behavior.

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