


La Méditerranée Médiévale: Cours, Contrôle Corrigé, et Carte PDF







<p>The Western Roman Empire collapsed in 476 due to numerous invasions. The Eastern Roman Empire survived and became the Byzantine Empire.

<p>The Western Roman Empire collapsed in 476 due to numerous invasions. The Eastern Roman Empire survived and became the Byzantine Empire.

The Western Roman Empire collapsed in 476 due to numerous invasions. The Eastern Roman Empire survived and became the Byzantine Empire. By the end of the 7th century, the Muslims began to conquer the southern shores and the Mediterranean. Between the 11th and 15th centuries, the rulers of these three great entities fought for control of the sea and the shores, while trade continued to thrive. The Mediterranean regions remained a crossroads, a meeting place, and a center for exchanges.

Decline of the Byzantine Empire

The medieval Mediterranean: a space at the crossroads of three civilizations, with Constantinople as its capital and the Basileus as its leader. The Byzantine Empire had a theocratic form of government, governing with a powerful army and a civilized administration. In 1054, a rupture with Christianity led by the Pope occurred, and in 1204, Constantinople was plundered, leading to the dislocation of the empire. The empire completely disappeared when the Turks captured its capital in 1453.

Rise of the Latin Christendom

Latin Christendom, which united Western Europe in the Middle Ages under one religion and the spiritual authority of the Pope, was in full affirmation. The Pope attempted to impose his power on kings and princes, and Western Europe was politically fragmented. The Pope was the main responsible for the Gregorian reform. One of the measures of the Gregorian reform included obliging priests to be celibate to prevent the transmission of the church's wealth to heirs and prohibited priests from selling pardons.

Divided Muslim World

In the 7th century, the birth of Islam founded on the Quran, considered the word of God revealed to Muhammad (570-632), led to the division of the Muslim world into two branches: Sunni and Shi'ite. The Muslim world lost its political unity. The caliphate was both the territory and the Muslim population living there, accepting the authority of a caliph (the successor of Muhammad), who exercised political and religious power. Conflicts within the Muslim world took on the dimension of a holy war.

Crusades and Exchange

The call of Pope Urban II at the Council of Clermont urged knights, princes, and pilgrims to aid the Christians of the East and the Byzantines, leading to the Crusades. The taking of Jerusalem by the Crusaders in 1099 and its recapture by Saladin in 1187 marked significant events in this period. Trade intensified, with Latin merchants providing raw materials to the Byzantine and Muslim worlds and bringing back precious products. The intensification of trade was accompanied by technological developments, such as the appearance of new ships and navigation instruments in the 13th century, including astrolabes and compasses.

Résumé - Histoire

  • The Mediterranean in the Middle Ages was a crossroads for three civilizations
  • The Byzantine Empire, with Constantinople as its capital, declined and disappeared in 1453
  • Latin Christendom united Western Europe under one religion and the authority of the Pope
  • The Muslim world divided into Sunni and Shi'ite branches and lost political unity
  • The Crusades led to conflicts and intensified trade in the Mediterranean with the use of new navigation instruments
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Téléchargé par Margaux 🥂🪩

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Questions fréquemment posées sur Histoire

Q: What led to the collapse of the Western Roman Empire in 476?

A: The Western Roman Empire collapsed in 476 due to numerous invasions from outside forces.

Q: What caused the dislocation of the Byzantine Empire in 1204?

A: The dislocation of the Byzantine Empire occurred in 1204 when Constantinople was plundered.

Q: What was the main goal of the Gregorian reform imposed by the Pope in Western Europe?

A: The main goal of the Gregorian reform was to impose the power of the Pope on kings and princes, and to oblige priests to be celibate.

Q: How did the birth of Islam in the 7th century lead to the division of the Muslim world?

A: The birth of Islam led to the division of the Muslim world into two branches: Sunni and Shi'ite.

Q: What significant events marked the period of the Crusades in the medieval Mediterranean?

A: The taking of Jerusalem by the Crusaders in 1099 and its recapture by Saladin in 1187 were significant events during the period of the Crusades in the medieval Mediterranean.

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