


Understanding Wave Propagation and Diffraction







<p>At the intersection of the propagation direction of an electromagnetic wave</p>
<p>The propagation of waves PDF</p>
<h2 id="howtodetermi

<p>At the intersection of the propagation direction of an electromagnetic wave</p>
<p>The propagation of waves PDF</p>
<h2 id="howtodetermi

At the intersection of the propagation direction of an electromagnetic wave

The propagation of waves PDF

How to determine the direction of propagation of a wave

The propagation of waves: solved exercises PDF

The formula for the speed of propagation of a wave

The propagation medium of a wave

The equation of wave propagation


General Subject

The modification of the direction of propagation of a wave when passing through an opening of size "a".

  1. Characteristics:
  • α: half angular deviation.
  • D: distance screen - slit
  • L: length of the central spot
  • -: size of half-secondary spots
  • a: slit / wire size
  1. Diffraction Condition:
  • Relations:
  • α < λ
  • "a" is of the same order of magnitude as D
  • tan(θ) = L / D
  • Calculation of θ:
  • tan(θ) for small angles
  • tan(θ) = opposite / adjacent
  • SPC = λ / a
  1. Proportionality:
  • θ = 0.001λ = 2L = 20D = 2AD / a


  • θ is proportional to λ, where λ is the wavelength in meters, a is the slit / wire opening in meters, and θ is the half-opening in radians.

  • Evolution of the diffraction phenomenon:

  • The larger the distance D between the slit and the screen, the larger L becomes, resulting in a more significant diffraction phenomenon.

  • Calculation of the coefficient k = λ:

  • The smaller the opening of the slit / wire, the larger L becomes, resulting in a more significant diffraction phenomenon.

Résumé - Physique/Chimie

  • The direction of propagation of an electromagnetic wave is determined at the intersection of the wave's path.
  • The speed of wave propagation can be calculated using a formula.
  • The propagation medium of a wave affects the equation of wave propagation.
  • Diffraction is the modification of a wave's direction when passing through an opening.
  • Diffraction results in proportional changes in wavelength, opening size, and half-opening angle.

1 073 Abonnés

3e année de Medecine, Université de Paris

Questions fréquemment posées sur Physique/Chimie

Q: How do you determine the direction of propagation of a wave?

A: The direction of propagation of a wave can be determined by examining the intersection of the propagation direction of an electromagnetic wave.

Q: What is the formula for the speed of propagation of a wave?

A: The formula for the speed of propagation of a wave can be found in the propagation of waves PDF.

Q: What is the general subject of diffraction?

A: The general subject of diffraction involves the modification of the direction of propagation of a wave when passing through an opening of size 'a'.

Q: What are the characteristics involved in the phenomenon of diffraction?

A: The characteristics involved in the phenomenon of diffraction include factors such as half angular deviation, distance screen-slit, and the size of the slit/wire.

Q: How does the phenomenon of diffraction evolve?

A: The phenomenon of diffraction evolves based on the distance between the slit and the screen, as well as the size of the opening of the slit/wire, resulting in a more significant diffraction phenomenon.

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