


ANGLAIS : Article sur les dystopies







Friday April 9, 2021
Is dystopia a way to reveal troubled
JULY 24 9.00PM
Friday April 9, 2021
Is dystopia a way to reveal troubled
JULY 24 9.00PM

Amàlia Friday April 9, 2021 Is dystopia a way to reveal troubled times? LOVE ISLAND LIVE FINAL SCREENING JULY 24 9.00PM BRANE NEW WORLD The most famous dystopia is 1984 written by George Orwell published in 1949. The author used to show the totalitarian regime and also the surveillance. In this dystopia the atmosphere is heavy and scary. Then the dictator of this story is Big Brother, he has a big moustache and there (O First of all, a dystopia reflects the opposite of a perfect world like heaven, it is mostly hell where everything is dark, where society is based on control... People who live in this society are oppressed and have no freedoms. Not only is it a terrible world but also it reflects the troubled times with authoritarian regimes and propaganda. In fact dystopias denounce in a way the past with the war, the chao etc... So the writers were writing about all these horrors to make people react. WAR 15 FREEDOMIC GNORANG WOPI 1984 IS SLAVE IS STREN QUALS ACE STRENG EQUALS DEA are posters everywhere. That shows a lot of propaganda and a cult of personality which was very present during the past with Staline for example. And because of that, citizens are overwatched, they can't do something without being observed and listened to by the telescreen. In addition the fact that men/soldiers are standing in a row, reminds of the Nazis' methods. I evoque the...

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name of Staline before and his part on the history is almost represented on Animal Farm, a book written by George Orwell as well and published in 1945. This time, the dictator is Napoleon, the name is also the name of an emperor. In this book the fanaticism is present again. The lie is a big part of Napoleon's personality, for this reason the animals are ignorant and very naive. In consequence the animals are exploited and have to work harder, moreover there is no equality, the animals are killed, it is terror. In conclusion, the representation of animals to show what really happened in the USSR is very intelligent and reflects the subject of this article. Animal Farm and 1984 are very similar with the authoritarian regime and the oppression so it is possible to say that as long as people follow and respect the rules and don't try to rebel, the better they can live "normal" lives without being tortured or even killed more. The last book which for me reflects troubled times is The Handmaid's Tale published in 1985 by Margaret Atwood. This dystopia seems at the beginning to be a perfect world where everything is well maintained and still, there is no war so not really a dystopia but an utopia. In reality, it's a city where there are only women. Women are separated in categories and functions, but above all they are brainwashed by Aunt Lydia who wants that women are free and the place where they live is perfect for them and where there are no dangers. This story includes the reality of today and what is going on. Women are protesting for the right to abortion and are using this book to show this truth. They would manifest and continue to do it for their laws and their liberties. Finally, behind every type of art : books, movies, street art there is a story. They are not joyful (dystopias) and reveal some truth and accentuate the disaster of these periods. It's very interesting to see the impact of the past today and today's repercussions.