


Autoportrait, autocongratulation, autocritique







Self portrait : a piece of art that you do of yourself. It can be represented on different

Autoportrait, autocongratulation. autocritique Self portrait : a piece of art that you do of yourself. It can be represented on different mediums, such as painting, sculpting, even writing. The representation can be both positive or pejorative. Self-portraiture art represents the artist as a whole-how he sees himself, how he feels, and how he wants to be regarded by others. It is himself in front of his audience, a decisive moment in many artists live. Self-portraiture existed before the 15th century, but it didn't become a popular genre until the Early Renaissance, when cheap, decent mirrors became more commonly available. Since the initial boom in self-portraiture, artists have experimented with painting themselves, moving from paint to cameras, and later, other technologies. Self portrait is used by some people to reshape their concept of self or develop self- acceptance. They want to emotionally push themselves to see themselves in a different light. A self-portrait can also be a good method to try out different poses and techniques on a model who is always available. As the proverb says if you want something done right, you've got to do it yourself ^^. Most famous self portraits Vincent van Gogh, "Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear," oil on canvas, 1889 Frida Kahlo, "Self-Portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird", oil on canvas, 1940 Norman Rockwell, "Triple Self-portrait", oil...

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on canvas, 1960 20000 AU ZAV Q000 MASA