


Carte mentale LLCER







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C-Existing among others
One of the biggest challenges individuals growing up
have to face is ow to find th

coggle made for free at C-Existing among others One of the biggest challenges individuals growing up have to face is ow to find their role and place among others at school, university and in society. the end of innocence I-Growing up through initation and experiences Growing up consists in a gradual move from innocence to experience with ordeals and challenges. Through this process, children become teenagers and later adults A -From innocence to experience Coming-of-Age stories B-Ordeals and achievements To grow up is also to face ordeals and challenges that enable children and teenagers to fight their own battles and prove their worth. They enhance their skills to go beyong their own limits 1-Fighting one's own battles Fighting like a hero or heroine to defeat evil characters or dark forces is a very common theme in children's and teenagers books. Winning the fight means overcoming one's fears and difficulties to upgrade to the next level and grow up. 2- Proving one's worth Quite a few stories of intiation feature teenagers or young adults left to their own devices and forces to fight for their survival, which offers them opportunities to prove their worth to others as well as themselves. A- From innocence to experience Children are said to be inncent because they know very little about the world and the people around them. Theuy kept ignorant of evil, danger and hardships until...

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Knowunity est la meilleure application scolaire dans cinq pays européens.

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J'aime tellement cette application [...] Je recommande Knowunity à tout le monde ! !! Je suis passé de 11 à 16 grâce à elle :D

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L'application est très simple à utiliser et bien faite. Jusqu'à présent, j'ai trouvé tout ce que je cherchais :D

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they experience them at school or at home 1-Children's experiences Childhood is the first stage of one's development into adult. It is also the moment in life when individual are the most dependent and vulnerable, bc their knowledge of the world are very limited. That's why the experiences people have as children are so impactful that they shape their minds. Ex: Peter PAN: all children except one, grow up. He wants to live without growing old, or he refuses the contraints and the responsabilities of adult life. 2-Being a teenager Adolescence, is the transition period from childhood to adulthood. Teenagers change physically and psychologically. Rejecting one's parents standars is often part of the growing up process. Ex: Little Bird