


castes système in india







Dalits dialogue
C_Welcome to the BBC set I am Clémence and I am going to interview you about your
successful careers as dalits. To begin wit

Dalits dialogue C_Welcome to the BBC set I am Clémence and I am going to interview you about your successful careers as dalits. To begin with, tell us about you. G_Hello, we are from the USA... P_ and we started our careers in india. G_ we are twins and musicians. P_I am a rapper and I have won many awards G_lam a singer and, as my twin, I won a few awards so we are both successful and that's so cool to live this experiment together. C_How old were you when you started your careers, and under which circumstances were you living? P We both started to become famous at 17, but we started music when we were 5. G_ Indeed, at the time, our family was really poor and their main objective was to earn money. So for them, becoming singers and famous musicians was an impossible mission. P_At the beginning it was really hard to fill the concert hall. Because people were really close-minded in India. They didn't want to hear our music because we were Dalits. G_So we decided to devote ourselves to build our life as we want, we gathered our last saving money and we went to the USA. (The American dream is still present). C_Was it a difficult decision? P_Yes of course but...

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arriving in all was totally different. We were accepted because no one cares about our caste! G_ we know that we made the best choice because, shortly after, our first single was a monster smash and we rocketed to fame! P_ It was incredible! We go from rags to riches whereas a few months earlier we couldn't make both ends meet. C_You know that you are heros for many children in India? Because, from what I know, castes have been abolished officially but are still in people's minds. Is the fact you are part of the untouchable impact your careers? Were you under privileged? G_Yes, and it's giving us the strength to continue. P_Because we receive so many hate messages on social networks from a part of the indian community. G_Fortunately some Indians like us without matter the caste we are in. C_ To finish, do you have any advice for the young people out there who are hiding their potential because of their caste. G_If you believe in yourself and if you toil, you will have results. P_Never give up. Talent is the only thing that matters. C_ thank you very much for your testimony. ladies and gentlemen, your show is over, see you next week