


Fiche de résumé sur The Handmaid's Tale - LLCE/Anglais







Fiche de lecture: The Handmaid's Tale
TITLE: The Handmaid's Tale.
AUTHOR: Margaret Atwood.
GENRE(S): Dystopia.
THEMES Anticipation F

BOOKLET Fiche de lecture: The Handmaid's Tale TITLE: The Handmaid's Tale. AUTHOR: Margaret Atwood. GENRE(S): Dystopia. THEMES Anticipation Feminism Science fiction Totalitarianism - Politics - Social castes - Enslavement - Servility - Propaganda - Censorship - Prostitution Taboos Forbidden Religion Slavery - Manipulation of the masses - Authority Violence Hypocrisy - Loss of identity - Sterility/fertility Demography - Hope - - Faced with a drastic drop in fertility, the republic of Gilead, recently founded by religious fanatics, has reduced the few remaining fertile women to sex slaves. Dressed in red, Defred, a "scarlet maid" among others, who has been stripped of her name, puts her body at the service of her Commander and his wife. In the evening, as she returns to her monastically austere room, she thinks of the time when women were allowed to read and work... By joining a secret network, she will try everything to recover her freedom. First published in 1985, The Scarlet Handmaid has sold millions of copies worldwide. The novel, which is reminiscent of George Orwell's 1984, has become a classic of English-language literature and describes a chilling daily life that has never seemed so close, reminding us how fragile our freedoms are. The series adapted from Margaret Atwood's masterpiece, starring Elisabeth Moss, has received unanimous critical acclaim. "The best dystopian stories are universal and timeless. Written more than thirty years ago,...

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Légende alternative :

The Scarlet Handmaiden sheds a terrifying light on contemporary America. Télérama