


How do artists denounce the war?







Synthèse Anglaise
We all know how a war can change the world, especially the first and
second world wars. The only "good" thing that these w
Synthèse Anglaise
We all know how a war can change the world, especially the first and
second world wars. The only "good" thing that these w

Synthèse Anglaise We all know how a war can change the world, especially the first and second world wars. The only "good" thing that these wars can have are the lessons, but also the art. Indeed, many artists had to go to war for their country, and during or after these wars, many of them decided to share their experiences with the world. This can be with a painting, a poem, a drawing, a novel... Today we will study the respective art form of three artists who lived through the wars, not necessarily as soldiers. The first document studied is a painting by Wyndham Lewis (1882-1857) made in 1918 and named Officers and Signallers. It depicts soldiers in heavy army clothing. The second is two poems denouncing the violence of war written by Richard Aldington in 1919 and named Bombardment and Trench Idyll. The last one is an excerpt from a novel written by Joseph Hellen in 1961 and entitled Catch-22. How do these different artists denounce the war? In the first part, we will highlight the link between these different art forms, and then, in the second part, we will see the consequences of war on soldiers and how artists denounce it. In the first and second document, we have the same situation for the soldiers: they...

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seem to be locked in a bad situation. Indeed, we see this clearly in the painting because of the soldiers' clothes and their difficulties in walking on this mountain which certainly represents the difficulty of war. In both poems, we have almost dead characters. "Which meant our death" line 5 of Bombardment and line 8 "Slept, muttering and twitching", they are mentally and physically exhausted. For the second and third document, the link is the succession of soldiers. In fact, they all go crazy. They can't leave the front. In the poem, a soldier explains that he only saw one man killed but then he says "talking the discs at night from men(...) they fell to pieces at a touch" line 22-25. He saw men being killed but didn't realise it: he denied it, he started to go crazy because of the atrocities of the war. In the third document, we talk about Catch-22, which is a rule that says if you are crazy and you ask to be punished, then you are not crazy. But if you're crazy and you didn't ask to be punished, then you can be punished. So to put it plainly: you have to continue the war and you can't escape it. "Catch-22. Anyone who wants to get out of combat duty isn't really crazy" line 28. Then, for the first and third documents, the connection is the hardships of war. In the painting, they have nowhere to go and no one to help them. They are wearing heavy clothes and have to walk up this big mountain. One of the soldiers seems to be injured. In the third document, it is almost the same thing. In fact, the soldiers have no way to go home: if they are crazy and they ask, it's no, but if they are crazy and they didn't ask, the answer is the same. They have to fight until they die or the war is over. Now that we have seen the connections and similarities between the documents, let's look at the consequences of the war for the soldiers and how the artists denounce it. Wyndham Lewis uses monotone collars and plays with the posture of the soldiers to denounce the atrocities they experience. They look exhausted, sad but they have to keep walking. They wear heavy army clothes that represent the weight of war. Richard Aldington uses violent worlds like "death, crash", and calm words to contrast "while cloud, silent line". He contrasts the life they live with the war and the life they deserve and should have had "women, restaurants, night, clubs". He wants to create sadness in the reader in order to denounce the violence of the war that nobody deserves to live. Finally, Joseph Heller uses the absurdity of war. Indeed, Catch-22 is just created to leave the soldiers, crazy or not, on the front line. The government wants all its men in the war so it created Catch-22. This is how Joseph Heller decides to denounce him: through an abrasive conversation that we hardly understand. To conclude, both artists use the life of soldier to denounce the war. They show us difficulties that they had to live and the violence of the war. It can be with violent world, with monotone colour and character's posture but also with absurdity. Being soldier was very difficult and it was impossible to not turn crazy at this time. Indeed, the war can have big consequences on men and women. And artists are the best to denounce and show an emotion of an injustice.