


innovations scientifiques et responsabilité







Cours innovations scientifiques et responsabilité
The idea of responsibility refers to "good judgment and the ability to act correctly and m

Cours innovations scientifiques et responsabilité The idea of responsibility refers to "good judgment and the ability to act correctly and make the right decisions". It can be defined as the "obligation to ensure that everything goes as smoothly as possible, that what is necessary and fair in each case is done, with as little damage as possible" The word "innovation" refers to "the use of a new idea or a new method in something. An innovation can be a new product, an improvement on a product, a new production process... Al (artificial intelligence) refers "the use of computer programs that have some of the qualities of the human mind, such as the ability to understand language, recognize pictures, and learn from experience". Examples: ● ● 1943, Alan Turing computer whose technology enabled to trick people into thinking they were speaking to a real person 1950, I Robot, Isaac Asimov : computer with the capacity to store all human knowledge 1997, Deep Blue: supercomputer which won against world chess champion Garry Kasparov 2016, AlphaGo : computer program which beated a human professional at the game Go Al is now an inexhaustible source of hope and potential progress as scientific innovation and technological development have accelerated. It nevertheless raises many questions related to the definition and understanding of human intelligence...

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Knowunity est la meilleure application scolaire dans cinq pays européens.

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and is the source of a number of ethical questions.