


Exercices anglais forme négative / interrogative - PDF







<p>The auxiliary verbs are very important to know. In English, there are 3 of them: Do, Have, and Be. These three auxiliaries are also verb

<p>The auxiliary verbs are very important to know. In English, there are 3 of them: Do, Have, and Be. These three auxiliaries are also verb

The auxiliary verbs are very important to know. In English, there are 3 of them: Do, Have, and Be. These three auxiliaries are also verbs (do = to do, have = to have, be = to be), so they have a dual purpose. The auxiliaries must not be confused with the verbs in a sentence. In the examples, the auxiliary will be in red and the verb in blue.

The Basics of English Elements

  • Person
  • I
  • You
  • He, she, it
  • We
  • You
  • They
  • Present
  • do
    • do
    • does
    • do
    • do
    • do
  • have
    • have
    • has
    • have
    • have
    • have
  • be
    • am
    • are
    • is
    • are
    • are
    • are

It is essential not to confuse the verb and the auxiliary in a sentence.
We will use the auxiliaries in their auxiliary function (and not as a verb) in three cases: to form the negative form, the interrogative form, and the compound tenses (only for have and be). To know which auxiliary to use, whatever the case, here is the rule.

  • Present
  • DO, except when the verb is TO BE
    • I am inside the cinema
    • She eats pizza
    • She does not eat pizza
  • Continuous Present (be + ing)
    • I am coming tomorrow
    • I am not coming tomorrow
    • Are you coming tomorrow?
  • Past
  • DID, except when the verb is TO BE
    • We wrote a letter
    • We did not write a letter
    • Did we write a letter?
  • BE
    • I am not inside the cinema
    • Are you inside the cinema?
    • They were nice with us
    • They were not nice with us
    • Were they nice with us?
  • Negative Form
  • Subject / Auxiliary / Negative (not) / Verb / Complement
    • I do not like the sport
  • Interrogative Form
  • (Interrogative word) / Auxiliary / Subject / Verb / Complement
    • Do you prefer this jacket?
    • Where were you yesterday?


Will is used to express the future.

  • Affirmative
  • Subject / Will / Verb / Complement
    • I will go to the school
  • Negative
  • Subject / Will / Not / Verb / Complement
    • She will not eat meat
  • Interrogative
  • Will / Subject / Verb / Complement
    • Will you come with me to the restaurant?

Résumé - Anglais

  • The importance of auxiliary verbs in English
  • Three auxiliary verbs in English: Do, Have, and Be
  • How to use auxiliaries to form negative and interrogative sentences
  • Examples of using auxiliaries in sentences
  • Will as an auxiliary verb to express the future period
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Téléchargé par Zélie

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Questions fréquemment posées sur Anglais

Q: What are the 3 auxiliary verbs in English?

A: The 3 auxiliary verbs in English are Do, Have, and Be.

Q: In which cases do we use the auxiliaries to form the negative and interrogative form in English?

A: We use the auxiliaries to form the negative and interrogative form in English, as well as for compound tenses (only for have and be).

Q: Can you provide an example of the negative form using an auxiliary verb in English?

A: Sure! An example of the negative form using an auxiliary verb in English is 'I do not like the sport.'

Q: What is the function of the auxiliary 'Will' in English?

A: The auxiliary 'Will' is used to express the future in English.

Q: Give an example of an interrogative sentence using the auxiliary 'Will' in English.

A: An example of an interrogative sentence using the auxiliary 'Will' in English is 'Will you come with me to the restaurant?'.

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