









In 1620, a group of English decided to flee Holland.
After a long and pain ful trip, they finally landed in the state
of Massac
In 1620, a group of English decided to flee Holland.
After a long and pain ful trip, they finally landed in the state
of Massac

Thanksgiving In 1620, a group of English decided to flee Holland. After a long and pain ful trip, they finally landed in the state of Massachusetts. They didn't known how to hunt, fish or cutivate the soil. One year later they finally had a of abundance, year thanks to Native Americans who had shown them how to plant corn, fish and hunt. To give them thank, they decided to share their food: this was the first Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is about having a feast with your friends and family, and on that day you usually say what you're grateful for. The traditional main course is turkey, with cramberries, yams, pumkin pie... The painting represents the expansions of Americain territories westwards it's split into two parts and on the middle there is a lady embodying leading America towards mordernity. On the right side, there is light and bright colors: they simbolize the future whereas on the left side the colors are dark and dull: they emphasize ignorance and and progress the post. Manifest Destiny is a divine belief of the territorial expansion westwards. recognize the Pilgrims and the Native Americans. All along hear derogatory terms referring to the Indians, such as "sauvages", "primitive, "uncivilized "," Mr Woo-Woo". The goal is to show that the Pilgrims were superior to the Indians. Wednesday doesn't care about her text...

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and she explains how the Indians would life years from the first Thanksgiving. She accuses the settlers to have stolen their lands. She denounces the hypocrisy of Thanksgiving nowadays. We Vocabulary: to flee fuir paintful: souffrance split: divise hunt: chasser Fish: pecher cultivate: cultiver leading: amene bright clair soil: 501 westwards: ver 1 Quest recognize : reconnaître derogatory: pejoratif referring : référence à care: soucier middle:du milieu embodying: incarner abundance anbondance whereas: aloo que grateful for etre reconnaisant dull: monolone course: plat emphasize: mettre en avant turkey: dinde belief: croyance seltlers: colon have stolen: volé nowadays: aujourd'hui