









What is the CW ? Commonwealth
Political association of 53 independent
states of equal status.
Who is the Head of
the CW?
It is

AMC-TERM The What is the CW ? Commonwealth Political association of 53 independent states of equal status. Who is the Head of the CW? It is currently headed by King Charles III. How many people are part of the CW ? The Commonwealth covers a third of the global population (nearly 2.4 billion people). One association, different politacal regimes The King is the Head of State in 15 member countries. (53 members: 16 + 6 +31) The CW games Every four years, the Commonwealth hosts popular, international multi-sport event. Key Dates 1926, the Balfour Declaration: Britain and the Dominions agree they are all equal members. On the Commonwealth flag, the Earth is surrounded by sunrays forming the letter "C",it represents each member. They still owe allegiance to the British monarch. 1960s, decolonisation: the Commonwealth Objectives of the CW -To protect the environment and encourage sustainability. -To boost trade and the economy. -To support democracy and develop a fair society. Supporters of the CW The Royal Family is highly enthusiastic about the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth's inclusive, respectful policy

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