


the power of the crown in England







The Crown & the church
The Queen shows a streng
link with catholism.
She could not assist to her
second son's wedding bes
she was divorce
The Crown & the church
The Queen shows a streng
link with catholism.
She could not assist to her
second son's wedding bes
she was divorce

1. The Crown & the church The Queen shows a streng link with catholism. She could not assist to her second son's wedding bes she was divorced, m She celebrate the diverity of religions in her country. ↳ Head of the church of England since the 10th century The powers of the Crown 2. The goverment. in 1997 new The referendum changed quite a few things in the British government. For example Ceremoy opened: the national assembly for wealth. Big part of her work for a Golden jubilee tower and the Diamond jubilee tower (bcs she ruled for 60 years). She has an important ceremonial and formal role in relation to a new the government she now to greent for the start of session of Parliament and Thou to approve orders and Proclamatiation though the Privy Council. 4. She receives a weekly report of the s. Parliament She cheese the scottish First Prime Minister. 3. The parlement - Queen opern the parliament In order to give session for the year -the Scottish Parliament take the oath of allegiance The queen and the British seciety Montaigne 2021 recognition throughout the world, the queen hat the sole right of conferning tith. -the Royal family provide vital support. a - public and volont service 5. AMC Première The Crown's diplomatic role Exists for 7 years. -It's origin formal Britain's empire. • Commonwealth → moke a cooperation and create links army between country all over the when world (54 wer countries) - Among there sh stater she represents. 15 of them. The powers of the Crown OPUS 6. The Queen and the armed forces close to the navy and since George the...

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fifth served. пе each aniversary of the celebrated with queen militaries 7. 69 pents royal family. renovation / travels and residences the crown return a lot of money.