


Utopies et dystopies







Utopies et dystopies
Utopia: the word "utopia" comes from Greek words
"ou" meaning "not" or "mo", and "topos "
meaning "place". In other w

Utopies et dystopies " Utopia: the word "utopia" comes from Greek words "ou" meaning "not" or "mo", and "topos " meaning "place". In other words, a utopia is a place one can only dream about paradise that does not exist. , a time Dystopia: dystopia is the excect opposite of utopia - It's genre which depicts a utopian society where things have gone wrong. a THE HISTORY OF UTOPIA AND DYSTOPIA Writers have written utopian stories for centuries starting with Plato, in 380 BC. In the Bible Genesis is a kind of utopian world that turns into dystopian one after the sin of Adam and Eve. a In both atopia and dystopia, the reader will find chenacteristics of science-fiction and fantasy, and the plot is oftem set in a futuristic world where technology. has been developed to weate perfect living conditions. The list of the ills and problems facing human society is am mever-ending list. It comprises homelessness, poverty, homophobia, disease, greed, avenice, crime, violence halism. sekisim, selfishness, amoing others. 1 The great writers of dystopian literative are from the Amentieth century. The creation of dystopian or utopian. words can be found in other acts and literature

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