Page 1: Digital Citizenship Fundamentals
This page introduces fundamental concepts related to digital citizenship and online activities. It covers essential vocabulary for discussing electronic devices, data collection, and ethical considerations in the digital realm.
- un citoyen = a citizen
- une activité illégale = an illegal activity
- un ordinateur = a computer
- les appareils électroniques = electronic devices
- collecter des données personnelles = to collect data
The vocabulary extends to important roles and actions in the digital world, such as whistleblowers and hackers. It also introduces terms related to free speech and critical thinking, which are crucial for navigating online spaces responsibly.
Definition: A whistleblower (un lanceur d'alerte) is someone who exposes information or activities that are deemed illegal, unethical, or incorrect within an organization.
The page emphasizes the importance of ethical behavior online and introduces the concept of hacktivism, blending activism with hacking skills for social or political purposes.
Example: A cyberactivist (un cyberactiviste) might use their hacking skills to expose corruption by leaking confidential documents online.
Key terms for discussing information dissemination and setting boundaries in digital spaces are also provided, which is essential for understanding Citoyenneté et monde virtuel définition.
Highlight: The vocabulary on this page is particularly useful for students preparing for Compréhension écrite anglais Citizenship and virtual worlds exercises, as it covers fundamental concepts and actions in the digital realm.