


WILDE O., The Picture of Dorian Gray, 1890







At first glance, Dorian Grey is a brilliant and attractive
young guy who is well appreciated.

THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY, OSCAR WILDE, 1890 At first glance, Dorian Grey is a brilliant and attractive young guy who is well appreciated. Quickly, he becomes obsessed with his youth and attractiveness, putting them above all else. Summary Dorian Gray, having exchanged his soul for eternal youth, must accept the bodily deterioration and dissipation shown in his image. Dorian detects a shift in his portrait after abandoning his romance with Sibyl Vane; he devotes himself totally to the "yellow book" and indulges his fantasy without care for his reputation; the gap between his exterior purity and his inner depravity widens. Dorian kills Basil Hallward. Dorian goes into the opium dens of London, attempts to apologize to Lord Henry, and then stabs his own picture, killing himself. Remember & explain The Victorian Era ! The third person, omniscient point of view is used.

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