


Découvre la Spectroscopie UV-Visible et le Dosage Colorimétrique : Des Principes Simples pour les Enfants




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Dosage colorimétrique

Découvre la Spectroscopie UV-Visible et le Dosage Colorimétrique : Des Principes Simples pour les Enfants

La spectrophotométrie UV-visible et loi de Beer-Lambert est une technique essentielle pour le dosage par titrage pour concentration de réactif. Cette méthode utilise l'absorption spectrale et étalonnage en chimie pour déterminer précisément la concentration d'espèces chimiques en solution.

• La loi de Beer-Lambert établit une relation linéaire entre l'absorbance et la concentration
• Le spectrophotomètre UV-visible permet de mesurer l'absorption de la lumière par un échantillon
• Le dosage par étalonnage compare une propriété physique de la solution à une courbe d'étalonnage
• Le dosage par titrage détermine la concentration en trouvant le point d'équivalence de la réaction




dosage ColoRiomalais
Pai de Beee- Carmeex →> mesure avec um spectrophotomete
A = Exlx


Titration Methods and Concentration Determination

This page focuses on titration techniques, particularly dosage colorimétrique (colorimetric titration), and the mathematical relationships used to determine concentrations.

Titration is described as a method to determine the quantity or concentration of a dissolved chemical species. The concept of equivalence point is introduced as a crucial aspect of titration.

Definition: The equivalence point in a titration is reached when the reactants are mixed in exact stoichiometric proportions, resulting in complete consumption of both the analyte and titrant.

For colorimetric titrations, the equivalence point is identified by a color change in the reaction mixture.

Example: In a titrage colorimétrique, the end point might be signaled by the solution turning from colorless to pink upon addition of a pH indicator like phenolphthalein.

The document presents the mathematical relationships used at the equivalence point:

  1. Before titration: n(A) = n(B)
  2. At equivalence: C_A × V_A = (a/b) × C_B × V_E


  • C_A and C_B are concentrations of reactants A and B
  • V_A is the initial volume of A
  • V_E is the volume of B added at equivalence
  • a and b are stoichiometric coefficients

Highlight: The concentration of the titrated reactant can be calculated using the formula: C_A = (b/a) × (C_B × V_E) / V_A

This relationship allows for the determination of unknown concentrations based on the volumes and concentrations of known reactants.

Vocabulary: Titrage conductimétrique refers to a titration method where the endpoint is determined by measuring changes in the electrical conductivity of the solution.

The page emphasizes the importance of understanding these relationships for accurate quantitative analysis in chemistry.

dosage ColoRiomalais
Pai de Beee- Carmeex →> mesure avec um spectrophotomete
A = Exlx


Dosage by Calibration and Beer-Lambert Law

This page introduces the fundamental concepts of dosage par étalonnage (calibration dosage) and spectrophotometry. The Beer-Lambert law is presented as the cornerstone of absorbance measurements.

The Beer-Lambert law is expressed as A = ε × l × c, where:

  • A is absorbance (unitless)
  • ε is the molar attenuation coefficient (L·mol^-1·cm^-1)
  • l is the path length of the sample (cm)
  • c is the concentration of the absorbing species (mol·L^-1)

Definition: The Beer-Lambert law states that the absorbance of a solution is directly proportional to the concentration of the absorbing species in the solution and the path length.

For constant path length and molar attenuation coefficient, the law simplifies to A = K × c, where K is a constant.

The document explains that spectrophotometry utilizes UV-visible light to measure absorption spectra of solutions. A diagram illustrates the visible light spectrum from 400 nm to 700 nm.

Highlight: Spectrophotometry is a powerful analytical technique that allows for quantitative determination of chemical species in solution based on their light absorption properties.

The principle of calibration dosage is introduced, which involves comparing a physical property (like absorbance) of an unknown solution to a series of standard solutions.

Vocabulary: Dosage par étalonnage refers to the analytical method of determining the concentration of a chemical species by comparing its physical properties to those of known standard solutions.

The document notes that the Beer-Lambert law has limitations and cannot be used for very concentrated solutions.

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Découvre la Spectroscopie UV-Visible et le Dosage Colorimétrique : Des Principes Simples pour les Enfants

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84 Abonnés


La spectrophotométrie UV-visible et loi de Beer-Lambert est une technique essentielle pour le dosage par titrage pour concentration de réactif. Cette méthode utilise l'absorption spectrale et étalonnage en chimie pour déterminer précisément la concentration d'espèces chimiques en solution.

• La loi de Beer-Lambert établit une relation linéaire entre l'absorbance et la concentration
• Le spectrophotomètre UV-visible permet de mesurer l'absorption de la lumière par un échantillon
• Le dosage par étalonnage compare une propriété physique de la solution à une courbe d'étalonnage
• Le dosage par titrage détermine la concentration en trouvant le point d'équivalence de la réaction









dosage ColoRiomalais
Pai de Beee- Carmeex →> mesure avec um spectrophotomete
A = Exlx

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Titration Methods and Concentration Determination

This page focuses on titration techniques, particularly dosage colorimétrique (colorimetric titration), and the mathematical relationships used to determine concentrations.

Titration is described as a method to determine the quantity or concentration of a dissolved chemical species. The concept of equivalence point is introduced as a crucial aspect of titration.

Definition: The equivalence point in a titration is reached when the reactants are mixed in exact stoichiometric proportions, resulting in complete consumption of both the analyte and titrant.

For colorimetric titrations, the equivalence point is identified by a color change in the reaction mixture.

Example: In a titrage colorimétrique, the end point might be signaled by the solution turning from colorless to pink upon addition of a pH indicator like phenolphthalein.

The document presents the mathematical relationships used at the equivalence point:

  1. Before titration: n(A) = n(B)
  2. At equivalence: C_A × V_A = (a/b) × C_B × V_E


  • C_A and C_B are concentrations of reactants A and B
  • V_A is the initial volume of A
  • V_E is the volume of B added at equivalence
  • a and b are stoichiometric coefficients

Highlight: The concentration of the titrated reactant can be calculated using the formula: C_A = (b/a) × (C_B × V_E) / V_A

This relationship allows for the determination of unknown concentrations based on the volumes and concentrations of known reactants.

Vocabulary: Titrage conductimétrique refers to a titration method where the endpoint is determined by measuring changes in the electrical conductivity of the solution.

The page emphasizes the importance of understanding these relationships for accurate quantitative analysis in chemistry.

dosage ColoRiomalais
Pai de Beee- Carmeex →> mesure avec um spectrophotomete
A = Exlx

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Dosage by Calibration and Beer-Lambert Law

This page introduces the fundamental concepts of dosage par étalonnage (calibration dosage) and spectrophotometry. The Beer-Lambert law is presented as the cornerstone of absorbance measurements.

The Beer-Lambert law is expressed as A = ε × l × c, where:

  • A is absorbance (unitless)
  • ε is the molar attenuation coefficient (L·mol^-1·cm^-1)
  • l is the path length of the sample (cm)
  • c is the concentration of the absorbing species (mol·L^-1)

Definition: The Beer-Lambert law states that the absorbance of a solution is directly proportional to the concentration of the absorbing species in the solution and the path length.

For constant path length and molar attenuation coefficient, the law simplifies to A = K × c, where K is a constant.

The document explains that spectrophotometry utilizes UV-visible light to measure absorption spectra of solutions. A diagram illustrates the visible light spectrum from 400 nm to 700 nm.

Highlight: Spectrophotometry is a powerful analytical technique that allows for quantitative determination of chemical species in solution based on their light absorption properties.

The principle of calibration dosage is introduced, which involves comparing a physical property (like absorbance) of an unknown solution to a series of standard solutions.

Vocabulary: Dosage par étalonnage refers to the analytical method of determining the concentration of a chemical species by comparing its physical properties to those of known standard solutions.

The document notes that the Beer-Lambert law has limitations and cannot be used for very concentrated solutions.

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