


Découvre le Modèle Géocentrique et Héliocentrique avec Aristote, Copernic et Ptolémée!




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Eden Besancenet



Mouvement dans un champ de gravitation

Découvre le Modèle Géocentrique et Héliocentrique avec Aristote, Copernic et Ptolémée!

Le mouvement gravitationnel dans un système géocentrique est expliqué en détail, couvrant les lois de Newton, les forces en jeu, et les lois de Kepler sur la trajectoire planétaire. Le document aborde également le calcul de la période de révolution d'une planète et les concepts clés de la mécanique céleste.

• La première loi de Newton est appliquée au mouvement des satellites et des planètes.
• Les lois de Kepler sont présentées, décrivant la forme elliptique des orbites et la conservation des aires.
• Des formules mathématiques sont fournies pour calculer la vitesse orbitale et la période de révolution.
• Le vocabulaire spécifique à l'astronomie est introduit, comme périapside et apoapside.




Systeme: satellite
Forees: on neglige les autres forces exercée
sen le systeme an
a done
EFeat = Fils


Orbital Dynamics and Kepler's Laws

This page delves deeper into orbital dynamics and introduces Kepler's Laws, which are fundamental to understanding planetary motion in our solar system.

The page starts by examining the conditions for circular orbits, where tangential acceleration is zero and normal acceleration is constant. It derives the expression for orbital velocity and period for circular orbits.

Example: For a circular orbit, the orbital period T is given by T = 2πr / √(GM/r), where r is the orbital radius and M is the mass of the central body.

The page then introduces Kepler's Three Laws of planetary motion:

  1. The orbit of each planet is an ellipse with the Sun at one of the two foci.
  2. A line segment joining a planet and the Sun sweeps out equal areas during equal intervals of time.
  3. The square of the orbital period of a planet is directly proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit.

Highlight: Kepler's Third Law is expressed mathematically as T² / r³ = constant, a relationship crucial for comparing different orbits.

These laws provide a powerful framework for understanding and predicting planetary motion, forming the basis for modern celestial mechanics.

Systeme: satellite
Forees: on neglige les autres forces exercée
sen le systeme an
a done
EFeat = Fils


Application of Kepler's Third Law and Orbital Terminology

This final page focuses on the practical application of Kepler's Third Law and introduces important terminology used in describing orbits.

The page begins by applying Kepler's Third Law to circular orbits, deriving the constant of proportionality in terms of the gravitational constant and the mass of the central body.

Example: For orbits around the Sun, the constant in Kepler's Third Law is 4π² / (G × M_sun), where G is the gravitational constant and M_sun is the mass of the Sun.

The page provides the numerical value of the gravitational constant G as 6.67 × 10⁻¹¹ N·m²/kg².

Vocabulary: Key orbital terms are introduced:

  • Periapsis: The point in an orbit closest to the central body
  • Apoapsis: The point in an orbit farthest from the central body
  • For Earth orbits: Perigee (closest) and Apogee (farthest)
  • For Solar orbits: Perihelion (closest) and Aphelion (farthest)

This terminology is essential for precisely describing orbital characteristics and understanding the dynamics of celestial bodies in various types of orbits.

Highlight: Understanding these terms is crucial for analyzing orbital mechanics and is often tested in BAC exams for Terminale students.

The page concludes the overview of movement in a gravitational field, providing students with a solid foundation in celestial mechanics and orbital dynamics.

Systeme: satellite
Forees: on neglige les autres forces exercée
sen le systeme an
a done
EFeat = Fils


Gravitational Field and Satellite Motion

This page introduces the fundamental concepts of movement in a gravitational field within the context of satellite motion. It establishes the framework for understanding celestial mechanics at the high school level.

The page begins by defining the reference frame as geocentric or heliocentric, assumed to be Galilean. It then applies Newton's Second Law to a satellite's motion, considering only the gravitational force.

Definition: The gravitational force is given by F = G × m × M / r², where G is the gravitational constant, m is the mass of the satellite, M is the mass of the attracting body, and r is the distance between their centers.

The acceleration of the satellite is broken down into tangential and normal components using the Frenet frame.

Highlight: The acceleration vector is shown to be radial and centripetal, a crucial concept in understanding orbital motion.

The page concludes by deriving the expression for centripetal acceleration in terms of velocity and radius, setting the stage for further analysis of orbital dynamics.

Vocabulary: Centripetal acceleration refers to the component of acceleration directed towards the center of curvature of the orbit.

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Découvre le Modèle Géocentrique et Héliocentrique avec Aristote, Copernic et Ptolémée!

user profile picture

Eden Besancenet



48 Abonnés


Le mouvement gravitationnel dans un système géocentrique est expliqué en détail, couvrant les lois de Newton, les forces en jeu, et les lois de Kepler sur la trajectoire planétaire. Le document aborde également le calcul de la période de révolution d'une planète et les concepts clés de la mécanique céleste.

• La première loi de Newton est appliquée au mouvement des satellites et des planètes.
• Les lois de Kepler sont présentées, décrivant la forme elliptique des orbites et la conservation des aires.
• Des formules mathématiques sont fournies pour calculer la vitesse orbitale et la période de révolution.
• Le vocabulaire spécifique à l'astronomie est introduit, comme périapside et apoapside.









Systeme: satellite
Forees: on neglige les autres forces exercée
sen le systeme an
a done
EFeat = Fils

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Orbital Dynamics and Kepler's Laws

This page delves deeper into orbital dynamics and introduces Kepler's Laws, which are fundamental to understanding planetary motion in our solar system.

The page starts by examining the conditions for circular orbits, where tangential acceleration is zero and normal acceleration is constant. It derives the expression for orbital velocity and period for circular orbits.

Example: For a circular orbit, the orbital period T is given by T = 2πr / √(GM/r), where r is the orbital radius and M is the mass of the central body.

The page then introduces Kepler's Three Laws of planetary motion:

  1. The orbit of each planet is an ellipse with the Sun at one of the two foci.
  2. A line segment joining a planet and the Sun sweeps out equal areas during equal intervals of time.
  3. The square of the orbital period of a planet is directly proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit.

Highlight: Kepler's Third Law is expressed mathematically as T² / r³ = constant, a relationship crucial for comparing different orbits.

These laws provide a powerful framework for understanding and predicting planetary motion, forming the basis for modern celestial mechanics.

Systeme: satellite
Forees: on neglige les autres forces exercée
sen le systeme an
a done
EFeat = Fils

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Application of Kepler's Third Law and Orbital Terminology

This final page focuses on the practical application of Kepler's Third Law and introduces important terminology used in describing orbits.

The page begins by applying Kepler's Third Law to circular orbits, deriving the constant of proportionality in terms of the gravitational constant and the mass of the central body.

Example: For orbits around the Sun, the constant in Kepler's Third Law is 4π² / (G × M_sun), where G is the gravitational constant and M_sun is the mass of the Sun.

The page provides the numerical value of the gravitational constant G as 6.67 × 10⁻¹¹ N·m²/kg².

Vocabulary: Key orbital terms are introduced:

  • Periapsis: The point in an orbit closest to the central body
  • Apoapsis: The point in an orbit farthest from the central body
  • For Earth orbits: Perigee (closest) and Apogee (farthest)
  • For Solar orbits: Perihelion (closest) and Aphelion (farthest)

This terminology is essential for precisely describing orbital characteristics and understanding the dynamics of celestial bodies in various types of orbits.

Highlight: Understanding these terms is crucial for analyzing orbital mechanics and is often tested in BAC exams for Terminale students.

The page concludes the overview of movement in a gravitational field, providing students with a solid foundation in celestial mechanics and orbital dynamics.

Systeme: satellite
Forees: on neglige les autres forces exercée
sen le systeme an
a done
EFeat = Fils

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Gravitational Field and Satellite Motion

This page introduces the fundamental concepts of movement in a gravitational field within the context of satellite motion. It establishes the framework for understanding celestial mechanics at the high school level.

The page begins by defining the reference frame as geocentric or heliocentric, assumed to be Galilean. It then applies Newton's Second Law to a satellite's motion, considering only the gravitational force.

Definition: The gravitational force is given by F = G × m × M / r², where G is the gravitational constant, m is the mass of the satellite, M is the mass of the attracting body, and r is the distance between their centers.

The acceleration of the satellite is broken down into tangential and normal components using the Frenet frame.

Highlight: The acceleration vector is shown to be radial and centripetal, a crucial concept in understanding orbital motion.

The page concludes by deriving the expression for centripetal acceleration in terms of velocity and radius, setting the stage for further analysis of orbital dynamics.

Vocabulary: Centripetal acceleration refers to the component of acceleration directed towards the center of curvature of the orbit.

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Knowunity est la meilleure application scolaire dans cinq pays européens.

Knowunity a été mis en avant par Apple et a toujours été en tête des classements de l'App Store dans la catégorie Éducation en Allemagne, en Italie, en Pologne, en Suisse et au Royaume-Uni. Rejoins Knowunity aujourd'hui et aide des millions d'étudiants à travers le monde.

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