


Différence entre météo et climat SVT 5ème - C'est quoi le climat et les types de climat




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Clément Angelini



Météo et climat

Différence entre météo et climat SVT 5ème - C'est quoi le climat et les types de climat

The Earth's climate system is complex, influenced by various factors including solar energy distribution, atmospheric and oceanic circulation. Différence entre météo et climat SVT is crucial for understanding Earth's environmental processes.

  • Weather refers to short-term atmospheric conditions, while climate describes long-term average weather patterns.
  • Earth's spherical shape causes uneven solar energy distribution, leading to temperature differences between equator and poles.
  • These temperature differences drive air and water movements, transferring heat from equator to poles.
  • Understanding these processes is key to comprehending global climate patterns and changes.



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Différence entre météo et climat SVT 5ème - C'est quoi le climat et les types de climat

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Clément Angelini



223 Abonnés


The Earth's climate system is complex, influenced by various factors including solar energy distribution, atmospheric and oceanic circulation. Différence entre météo et climat SVT is crucial for understanding Earth's environmental processes.

  • Weather refers to short-term atmospheric conditions, while climate describes long-term average weather patterns.
  • Earth's spherical shape causes uneven solar energy distribution, leading to temperature differences between equator and poles.
  • These temperature differences drive air and water movements, transferring heat from equator to poles.
  • Understanding these processes is key to comprehending global climate patterns and changes.









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Météo and Climat: Understanding Earth's Atmospheric Systems

This page provides a comprehensive overview of the differences between weather (météo) and climate (climat), as well as the factors influencing Earth's climate system. It's an essential resource for students studying météo et climat 5ème or anyone interested in Earth sciences.

The page begins by clearly defining the différence entre météo et climat SVT:

Definition: Météo (weather) is the study of atmospheric parameters such as precipitation, wind, and temperature over short periods (days, weeks, months). Climat (climate) is the analysis of average "weather" parameters over long periods (thousands or millions of years) and typically over extended climatic zones.

The document then illustrates the Earth's main climate zones:

Example: The Earth is divided into three primary climate zones: cold/polar zone, temperate zone, and hot/intertropical zone. This division is crucial for understanding types de climat.

A key concept introduced is the impact of Earth's spherical shape on climate:

Highlight: The sphericity of the Earth leads to an unequal distribution of solar energy across its surface. This fundamental principle is essential in understanding pourquoi fait-il plus chaud à l'équateur qu'aux pôles.

The page concludes by explaining the consequences of this uneven energy distribution:

  1. Temperature differences between the equator and poles
  2. Movements of air masses (winds)
  3. Movements of water masses (currents)

Vocabulary: These movements ensure a transfer of energy (heat) from the equator towards the poles, which is crucial in understanding qu'est ce qui répartit la chaleur à la surface de la terre.

This comprehensive overview provides students with a solid foundation for understanding the complexité du système climatique, integrating concepts of meteorology and climatology in an accessible manner.

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