



Affiche contre le harcèlement scolaire en anglais

Affiche contre le harcèlement scolaire en anglais

  • Bullying is repeated aggressive behavior that can cause physical and mental harm
  • It can lead to emotional distress, self-harm, and long-term psychological effects
  • Bullying involves spreading false rumors and can take both physical and emotional forms
  • It is important for victims to speak up and seek help to prevent suffering in silence
  • Everyone should take action against bullying, denounce it, and offer support to those affected



<h2 id="understandingbullyinginschools">Understanding Bullying in Schools</h2>
<p>Bullying is the repeated and aggressive behavior intended

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<h2 id="understandingbullyinginschools">Understanding Bullying in Schools</h2>
<p>Bullying is the repeated and aggressive behavior intended

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Understanding Bullying in Schools

Bullying is the repeated and aggressive behavior intended to physically, mentally, or emotionally hurt another individual. It can have devastating effects on the victim, causing both mental and physical harm.

The Impact of Bullying

The bully's actions can completely break the individual, often causing mental harm. In some cases, the victim may even resort to self-harm as a result of the intense emotional distress caused by the bullying.

Spreading False Information

Bullying often involves the spread of false rumors and lies, increasing the number of people involved in the harassment. The bully, seeking to feel superior, may resort to spreading lies about the victim, further exacerbating the situation.

Physical and Emotional Violence

Bullying can take on both physical and emotional forms, causing harm through violent acts as well as through psychological manipulation. Both forms of bullying can have severe and long-lasting effects on the victim.

Psychological Impact

Bullying can cause abundant tears and traumas, leading to long-term psychological effects such as anxiety and disorders. Victims often suffer in silence, withdrawing from social interactions and keeping their pain to themselves.

The Importance of Speaking Up

It is crucial for individuals affected by bullying to speak up and seek help. It is important not to keep their suffering to themselves but to reach out to someone they trust or to use the available support services.

Taking Action Against Bullying

It is essential for everyone to understand that bullying can affect anyone and that it is more prevalent than commonly thought. It is crucial to denounce bullying and to offer support to those who are affected by it. No one should have to suffer alone, and it is important to take a stand against bullying.

In conclusion, bullying poses a danger to individuals both physically and mentally. It is important for everyone to be aware of the signs of bullying and to take action to prevent and stop it. By speaking out and seeking help, we can work towards creating a safer and more supportive environment for all individuals.

Résumé - Anglais

  • Bullying is repeated aggressive behavior that can cause physical and mental harm
  • It can lead to emotional distress, self-harm, and long-term psychological effects
  • Bullying involves spreading false rumors and can take both physical and emotional forms
  • It is important for victims to speak up and seek help to prevent suffering in silence
  • Everyone should take action against bullying, denounce it, and offer support to those affected

144 Abonnés

Salut tout le monde, je suis en terminale st2s et je peux vous aider particulièrement en biologie :)

Questions fréquemment posées sur Anglais

Q: What is the impact of bullying on the victim?

A: The impact of bullying can be devastating, causing both mental and physical harm to the victim. It can completely break the individual and lead to intense emotional distress.

Q: How does bullying often escalate the situation?

A: Bullying often involves the spread of false rumors and lies about the victim, increasing the number of people involved in the harassment. This can further exacerbate the situation.

Q: What are the different forms of bullying that can have severe effects on the victim?

A: Bullying can take on both physical and emotional forms, causing harm through violent acts as well as through psychological manipulation. Both forms can have long-lasting effects on the victim.

Q: What are some of the long-term psychological effects of bullying?

A: Bullying can lead to long-term psychological effects such as anxiety and disorders. Victims often suffer in silence, withdrawing from social interactions and keeping their pain to themselves.

Q: Why is it important for individuals affected by bullying to speak up and seek help?

A: It is crucial for individuals affected by bullying to speak up and seek help. It is important not to keep their suffering to themselves but to reach out to someone they trust or to use the available support services.

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