



Analyse des personnages de Much Ado About Nothing
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Analyse des personnages de Much Ado About Nothing

  • Much Ado About Nothing is a play by Shakespeare featuring the character Don John
  • Don John is portrayed as a villain driven by jealousy and spite
  • He deceives others and schemes to ruin the happiness of other characters
  • Don John is perceived as the villain, but also reflects society's flaws
  • The character of Don John is also portrayed in the film "Don Jon" as a predictable villain driven by jealousy and resentment



<p>In Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing", the character of Don John, the illegitimate brother of Don Pedro, is portrayed as melancholy,

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<p>In Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing", the character of Don John, the illegitimate brother of Don Pedro, is portrayed as melancholy,

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<p>In Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing", the character of Don John, the illegitimate brother of Don Pedro, is portrayed as melancholy,

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In Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing", the character of Don John, the illegitimate brother of Don Pedro, is portrayed as melancholy, sullen, and spiteful. He is motivated by jealousy and resentment towards his brother, leading him to scheme to ruin the happiness of Hero and Claudio. This makes him the villain of the play, inflicting misery upon everyone out of spite and deceit.

Don John's Negative Attributes

Don John exhibits a lot of negative attributes, such as anger, spite, and jealousy. His lack of a title and the resulting jealousy towards Don Pedro's success are at the root of his discord with others. He acts out of spite, driven by a desire for revenge and a general bad attitude, which leads him to carry out treacherous schemes.

Don John's Deceit and Jealousy

Despite claiming to be honest in his appearance and disposition, Don John has no problem lying to others. He is dishonest with Claudio about his brother's motives, driven by resentment towards Claudio and a desire to show that Hero is unfaithful. His jealousy is evident in his actions, as he feels it as a physical sickness and is motivated by his envy of his brother's social authority.

The Perception of Don John

By the end of the play, Don John's treachery is confessed, and he is captured while trying to escape from Messina. However, he ultimately makes a name for himself and forces society to recognize him, even if as a wicked character. While society perceives him as the villain, the audience is not fooled, identifying him as a victim of a cruel and often two-faced society.

Don John, as a villainous character, is often portrayed as jealous and deceitful. In the film "Don Jon", he embodies the archetype of the bad character, playing the role of a villain who is easy to predict in his actions and plans. This portrayal aligns with his character in "Much Ado About Nothing", where he is driven by jealousy and resentment, making him the antagonist of the play.


In both the play and the film, Don John represents the archetype of the villain, characterized by jealousy, spite, and deceit. His actions and motives expose the darker side of human nature, serving as a reminder of the consequences of envy and resentment. Despite his portrayal as the villain, he also reflects the flaws of the society that perceives him, adding complexity to his character and its interpretation.

Résumé - Anglais

  • Much Ado About Nothing is a play by Shakespeare featuring the character Don John
  • Don John is portrayed as a villain driven by jealousy and spite
  • He deceives others and schemes to ruin the happiness of other characters
  • Don John is perceived as the villain, but also reflects society's flaws
  • The character of Don John is also portrayed in the film "Don Jon" as a predictable villain driven by jealousy and resentment
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Téléchargé par Lana

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Questions fréquemment posées sur Anglais

Q: What negative attributes does Don John exhibit in 'Much Ado About Nothing'?

A: Don John exhibits a lot of negative attributes, such as anger, spite, and jealousy. His lack of a title and the resulting jealousy towards Don Pedro's success are at the root of his discord with others. He acts out of spite, driven by a desire for revenge and a general bad attitude, which leads him to carry out treacherous schemes.

Q: How does Don John's deceit and jealousy drive his actions in 'Much Ado About Nothing'?

A: Despite claiming to be honest in his appearance and disposition, Don John has no problem lying to others. He is dishonest with Claudio about his brother's motives, driven by resentment towards Claudio and a desire to show that Hero is unfaithful. His jealousy is evident in his actions, as he feels it as a physical sickness and is motivated by his envy of his brother's social authority.

Q: How is Don John perceived by society and the audience in 'Much Ado About Nothing'?

A: By the end of the play, Don John's treachery is confessed, and he is captured while trying to escape from Messina. However, he ultimately makes a name for himself and forces society to recognize him, even if as a wicked character. While society perceives him as the villain, the audience is not fooled, identifying him as a victim of a cruel and often two-faced society.

Q: How is Don John portrayed in the film 'Don Jon' in relation to his character in 'Much Ado About Nothing'?

A: In the film 'Don Jon', Don John embodies the archetype of the bad character, playing the role of a villain who is easy to predict in his actions and plans. This portrayal aligns with his character in 'Much Ado About Nothing', where he is driven by jealousy and resentment, making him the antagonist of the play.

Q: What does Don John's character in 'Much Ado About Nothing' and 'Don Jon' film reveal about human nature and society?

A: In both the play and the film, Don John represents the archetype of the villain, characterized by jealousy, spite, and deceit. His actions and motives expose the darker side of human nature, serving as a reminder of the consequences of envy and resentment. Despite his portrayal as the villain, he also reflects the flaws of the society that perceives him, adding complexity to his character and its interpretation.

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