


Exposé sur Natalie portman - art et débat d'idées







Natalie Portman :
Neta-Lee Hershlag also known as Natalie Portman is born in 1981. She is a well-
known American and Israeli actress and pro
Natalie Portman :
Neta-Lee Hershlag also known as Natalie Portman is born in 1981. She is a well-
known American and Israeli actress and pro

Natalie Portman : Neta-Lee Hershlag also known as Natalie Portman is born in 1981. She is a well- known American and Israeli actress and producer. Indeed, she first started acting when she was only 12 years old in the movie Léon by Luc Besson in which she played one of the main characters, Mathilda. However, she played in many other movies such as Black Swan in which she played Nina, the main character. Natalie Portman is known for being really engaged in many causes such as the environment but she is mostly known for being a vegan and a feminist. Indeed, she denounced the sexualization she received after her role in Luc Besson's film for the Time's Up movement which fights against sexual harassment. It was created by several celebrities of Hollywood. And with that she encouraged a lot of other celebrities to speak up about the sexualization young girls suffered from in the Hollywood Industry as she was considered as a << sex icon » at only 12 years old. Natalie thinks that justice system is protecting the abusers/rapists. She also stated the fact that after this role she received a letter from a fan describing a rape scenario which was very traumatizing for her. On October 12th 2018, Natalie made a speech at Variety's Power of...

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Woman event in which she denounced the danger of patriarchal society. She talked about a step-by-step guide to toppling the patriarchy in which she empowers woman. In 2018, she also participated in Women's March and made a speech about women's rights and against sexism. Like an icon, she tells women to embrace their mistakes and to unite and act for equal pay. During the 92th ceremony of the Oscar she wore a black dress from Dior on the red carpet with names of the filmmakers who couldn't be nominated. She wore this dress in order to pay tribute to the women who couldn't be recognized for their incredible works this year. However, she received backlash from other feminists for instance Rose McGowan, insulted her of hypocrisy because her political commitment wasn't very brave or the most impactful thing she could do. Rose also accused her of making perfect protests act only for her public image. Natalie stood up for women who couldn't play the role they auditioned for only because they are women, that's why she made several short films and video clips with the help of other feminists. In addition, Natalie wrote an album with fables for children with the help of her two children Aleph and Amalia. In this book she readapts classic fables like "The Three Little Pigs" and "The city rat and the field rat" by talking about today's matter such as feminism or ecology. This shows a will to educate younger generations about the world's issues. This leads us to say that Natalie is a real feminist icon. She is very inspiring and puts her feminism to good use by raising awareness upon the way women are treated in our society and the dangers of patriarchal society. However, she is very criticized by media since she is openly feminist.