This exercise focuses on algebraic manipulation, including expansion, factorization, and equation solving. It demonstrates key concepts in algebra and provides step-by-step solutions.
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nouzha margom
143 Abonnés
This exercise focuses on algebraic manipulation, including expansion, factorization, and equation solving. It demonstrates key concepts in algebra and provides step-by-step solutions.
This page presents an algebraic exercise that covers development, factorization, and equation solving. The problem revolves around a quadratic expression and its various transformations.
The exercise begins with the expression A = (3x - 2)² - 64 and asks for three operations:
The solution process demonstrates several important algebraic techniques:
For the development part, the square of a binomial is expanded, and like terms are combined. This results in the standard form of a quadratic expression: 9x² - 12x - 60.
Example: A = (3x - 2)² - 64 = 9x² - 12x + 4 - 64 = 9x² - 12x - 60
In the factorization step, the expression is recognized as the difference of two squares, allowing for the application of the a² - b² identity.
Definition: The identity a² - b² = (a - b)(a + b) is a fundamental algebraic formula used for factorization.
The factorization process transforms the expression into (3x - 10)(3x + 6), which is then used in the equation-solving part.
Highlight: The factored form (3x - 10)(3x + 6) is crucial for solving the equation, as it allows for the application of the zero product property.
For solving the equation, the zero product property is applied, leading to two linear equations: 3x - 10 = 0 and 3x + 6 = 0.
Vocabulary: The zero product property states that if the product of factors is zero, then at least one of the factors must be zero.
These equations are solved to find the roots of the original quadratic expression:
x = 10/3 and x = -2
Quote: "Les solutions de l'équation sont : -2 et 10/3." (The solutions of the equation are: -2 and 10/3.)
This exercise serves as an excellent example of Exercice Développement factorisation avec corrigé and Factorisation exercices corrigés PDF, demonstrating key algebraic skills essential for students in mathematics. It provides a comprehensive Développement et factorisation Exercices corrigés PDF that can be particularly useful for students studying Factorisation 3ème exercice corrigé or Développement factorisation seconde Exercices corrigés.
The step-by-step solution acts as a Math Solver with Calcul détaillé maths, offering a clear path to Résoudre équation 2eme degré and providing a Solution problème Math that students can follow and learn from. This type of exercise is invaluable for developing algebraic skills and understanding the interconnections between different algebraic operations.
décomposition en produit de facteur premier
Distributivité (Développer / Factoriser)
Fiche de révision sur la distributivité niveau collège. Factorisation et développement d’un calcul. Cette fiche contient des exemples d’exercices pour mieux comprendre le fonctionnement.
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Mathématiques | La factorisation
Mathématiques 3ème & brevet, seconde| La factorisation : - factoriser avec un facteur commun - factoriser avec une identité remarquable
Note moyenne de l'appli
Les élèsves utilisent Knowunity
Dans les palmarès des applications scolaires de 12 pays
Les élèves publient leurs fiches de cours
Louis B., utilisateur iOS
Stefan S., utilisateur iOS
Lola, utilisatrice iOS
nouzha margom
143 Abonnés
This exercise focuses on algebraic manipulation, including expansion, factorization, and equation solving. It demonstrates key concepts in algebra and provides step-by-step solutions.
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This page presents an algebraic exercise that covers development, factorization, and equation solving. The problem revolves around a quadratic expression and its various transformations.
The exercise begins with the expression A = (3x - 2)² - 64 and asks for three operations:
The solution process demonstrates several important algebraic techniques:
For the development part, the square of a binomial is expanded, and like terms are combined. This results in the standard form of a quadratic expression: 9x² - 12x - 60.
Example: A = (3x - 2)² - 64 = 9x² - 12x + 4 - 64 = 9x² - 12x - 60
In the factorization step, the expression is recognized as the difference of two squares, allowing for the application of the a² - b² identity.
Definition: The identity a² - b² = (a - b)(a + b) is a fundamental algebraic formula used for factorization.
The factorization process transforms the expression into (3x - 10)(3x + 6), which is then used in the equation-solving part.
Highlight: The factored form (3x - 10)(3x + 6) is crucial for solving the equation, as it allows for the application of the zero product property.
For solving the equation, the zero product property is applied, leading to two linear equations: 3x - 10 = 0 and 3x + 6 = 0.
Vocabulary: The zero product property states that if the product of factors is zero, then at least one of the factors must be zero.
These equations are solved to find the roots of the original quadratic expression:
x = 10/3 and x = -2
Quote: "Les solutions de l'équation sont : -2 et 10/3." (The solutions of the equation are: -2 and 10/3.)
This exercise serves as an excellent example of Exercice Développement factorisation avec corrigé and Factorisation exercices corrigés PDF, demonstrating key algebraic skills essential for students in mathematics. It provides a comprehensive Développement et factorisation Exercices corrigés PDF that can be particularly useful for students studying Factorisation 3ème exercice corrigé or Développement factorisation seconde Exercices corrigés.
The step-by-step solution acts as a Math Solver with Calcul détaillé maths, offering a clear path to Résoudre équation 2eme degré and providing a Solution problème Math that students can follow and learn from. This type of exercise is invaluable for developing algebraic skills and understanding the interconnections between different algebraic operations.
Maths - décomposition en produit de facteur premier
Maths - Distributivité (Développer / Factoriser)
Fiche de révision sur la distributivité niveau collège. Factorisation et développement d’un calcul. Cette fiche contient des exemples d’exercices pour mieux comprendre le fonctionnement.
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L'arithmétique fiche de révision niveau 3 ème
Maths - Mathématiques | La factorisation
Mathématiques 3ème & brevet, seconde| La factorisation : - factoriser avec un facteur commun - factoriser avec une identité remarquable
Note moyenne de l'appli
Les élèsves utilisent Knowunity
Dans les palmarès des applications scolaires de 12 pays
Les élèves publient leurs fiches de cours
Louis B., utilisateur iOS
Stefan S., utilisateur iOS
Lola, utilisatrice iOS