


Exercices corrigés sur le mouvement dans un champ de gravitation - Cours PDF inclus




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Physique - Mouvement dans un champ de gravitation

Exercices corrigés sur le mouvement dans un champ de gravitation - Cours PDF inclus

A comprehensive guide to gravitational field motion and Kepler's Laws, covering fundamental principles of orbital mechanics and satellite motion.

Key points:

  • Detailed explanation of gravitational force and its mathematical representation
  • In-depth coverage of all three Kepler's Laws with mathematical proofs
  • Analysis of geostationary satellites and their characteristics
  • Mathematical demonstrations of orbital mechanics
  • Practical applications in satellite and planetary motion



<h2 id="rappel">RAPPEL</h2>
<p>Un objet B placé dans un champ de gravitation créé par un objet A est soumis à la force de gravitation FA/B:


Page 2: Kepler's Laws and Geostationary Satellites

This page details the three laws of Kepler and the characteristics of satellite géostationnaire orbits, providing comprehensive explanations of planetary motion.

Definition: A geostationary satellite maintains a fixed position relative to Earth, with a revolution period matching Earth's rotation period of 23 hours and 56 minutes.

Highlight: Kepler's Three Laws are fundamental principles describing planetary motion:

  1. 1ère loi de kepler: Planets move in elliptical orbits with the Sun at one focus
  2. 2ème loi de kepler: A line joining a planet and the Sun sweeps out equal areas in equal times
  3. 3ème loi de kepler: The square of the orbital period is proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis

Example: The varying speeds of planets in elliptical orbits are demonstrated, showing faster motion near perihelion (point B to C) compared to aphelion (point D to E).


  • Semi-major axis: Half the longest diameter of an ellipse
  • Perihelion: Point of closest approach to the Sun
  • Aphelion: Point of furthest distance from the Sun

<h2 id="rappel">RAPPEL</h2>
<p>Un objet B placé dans un champ de gravitation créé par un objet A est soumis à la force de gravitation FA/B:


Page 1: Gravitational Field Motion and Mathematical Foundations

This page introduces the fundamental concepts of mouvement dans un champ de gravitation and provides mathematical proofs for gravitational motion. The content focuses on the gravitational force between objects and its mathematical representation.

Definition: The gravitational force (FA/B) between two objects is defined by the equation FA/B = -G(MAXMB/d²), where G is the gravitational constant, MA and MB are masses, and d is the distance between objects.

Highlight: The mathematical proof of Kepler's Third Law is demonstrated through the application of Newton's Second Law in the Frenet reference frame.

Example: For a system consisting of the Moon's center of mass in a geocentric reference frame, the gravitational force from Earth is analyzed using vector calculus and circular motion principles.


  • Frenet reference frame: A coordinate system used to describe motion along a curve
  • Gravitational field: The region around a massive object where gravitational force is exerted

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Exercices corrigés sur le mouvement dans un champ de gravitation - Cours PDF inclus

A comprehensive guide to gravitational field motion and Kepler's Laws, covering fundamental principles of orbital mechanics and satellite motion.

Key points:

  • Detailed explanation of gravitational force and its mathematical representation
  • In-depth coverage of all three Kepler's Laws with mathematical proofs
  • Analysis of geostationary satellites and their characteristics
  • Mathematical demonstrations of orbital mechanics
  • Practical applications in satellite and planetary motion








<h2 id="rappel">RAPPEL</h2>
<p>Un objet B placé dans un champ de gravitation créé par un objet A est soumis à la force de gravitation FA/B:

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Page 2: Kepler's Laws and Geostationary Satellites

This page details the three laws of Kepler and the characteristics of satellite géostationnaire orbits, providing comprehensive explanations of planetary motion.

Definition: A geostationary satellite maintains a fixed position relative to Earth, with a revolution period matching Earth's rotation period of 23 hours and 56 minutes.

Highlight: Kepler's Three Laws are fundamental principles describing planetary motion:

  1. 1ère loi de kepler: Planets move in elliptical orbits with the Sun at one focus
  2. 2ème loi de kepler: A line joining a planet and the Sun sweeps out equal areas in equal times
  3. 3ème loi de kepler: The square of the orbital period is proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis

Example: The varying speeds of planets in elliptical orbits are demonstrated, showing faster motion near perihelion (point B to C) compared to aphelion (point D to E).


  • Semi-major axis: Half the longest diameter of an ellipse
  • Perihelion: Point of closest approach to the Sun
  • Aphelion: Point of furthest distance from the Sun

<h2 id="rappel">RAPPEL</h2>
<p>Un objet B placé dans un champ de gravitation créé par un objet A est soumis à la force de gravitation FA/B:

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Page 1: Gravitational Field Motion and Mathematical Foundations

This page introduces the fundamental concepts of mouvement dans un champ de gravitation and provides mathematical proofs for gravitational motion. The content focuses on the gravitational force between objects and its mathematical representation.

Definition: The gravitational force (FA/B) between two objects is defined by the equation FA/B = -G(MAXMB/d²), where G is the gravitational constant, MA and MB are masses, and d is the distance between objects.

Highlight: The mathematical proof of Kepler's Third Law is demonstrated through the application of Newton's Second Law in the Frenet reference frame.

Example: For a system consisting of the Moon's center of mass in a geocentric reference frame, the gravitational force from Earth is analyzed using vector calculus and circular motion principles.


  • Frenet reference frame: A coordinate system used to describe motion along a curve
  • Gravitational field: The region around a massive object where gravitational force is exerted

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